How can I grow my faith?
“Becoming a Christian is not simply a matter of showing up at church or reading your bible or following rules. Rather, living a Christian life is something that is more holistic, something that involves our whole heart and mind and body."
(Source: Christian foundations. A Grounding for a Life of Faith. 2016. Wycliffe College.)
We can grow our faith in many ways. Inwardly Christians use four ways:
1. Prayer: Prayer is how we communicate with God and how God communicates with us. At Immanuel, we offer prayer seminars to learn how to pray. We also give opportunities for people to pray for others by being part of a prayer chain.
2. Meditation: Meditation is a focused time of communicating with God, "be still and know that I am God” is a common phrase to characterize the act of meditation.
3. Fasting: Fasting is the practice of physical denial. As a Christian it means to yearn to be filled with the word of God rather than food. Fasting is a personal practice that varies among Christians.
4. Study: Study is when we spend time learning more about the Word of God and the Christian story.